Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cadiz y el Torcal

Last weekend, API took all of us American students to Cadiz, a beach town on the Atlantic in the southwest of Spain. It was a great weekend!

We had a farewell dinner with the program in the upstairs of a VERY pink restaurant, where they served us various courses of salad, fish, gravy fries, chickpea stew, and more.

I got to release one of the tagged birds!
The next day I participated in a volunteer project called API Gives Back, during which we built boxes that get birds water, cleared rubble out of an old house, and learned the process of tagging birds to gather information about their habits. There were unfortunately only about 20 of us, but it worked out okay. We were given a snack of fish- I am slowly getting over my dislike of fish, if only the very mildest flavors. They literally had dead whole fish that they thew on a fire and then gave us to eat with our hands! We were all pretty proud of ourselves for that one. Some people even ate the eyeballs! (Not me, you can be sure).

After that we had a lot of time out on the beaches! The water wasn't too bad; the sand was fantastic; and a lot of people got sunburned but the frisbee playing was worth it :) Now we're back in Granada for the last two weeks of presentations, papers, final exams, packing, and enjoying!! I've definitely come to enjoy my remaining time here and to appreciate the last few months, despite their difficulties. Going home will be a welcome mix of relief and uncertainty and change.

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